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【Development of Robust Trust-Region-Based Algorithms for Two-/Multi- Phase Equilibrium Calculations




Lingfei XU, postdoc researcher in Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) and Totalenergies. Phase equilibrium calculations, based on Peng-Robinson equation of state (PR-EoS; Peng and Robinson, 1976), serve as powerful tools in a wide array of processes, including CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and hydrate simulations. Given the temperature-pressure (PT) conditions and the feed composition, these calculations are expected to accurately determine the number of phases, phase fractions, and phase compositions. Despite the significant advancements in equilibrium calculation algorithms since the fundamental works of Michelsen in the 1980s, several challenges persist. For a hydrocarbon/CO2 system, three-phase vapor-liquid-liquid equilibria could be encounter under low-temperature reservoir conditions, and the primary challenge lies in predicting the second liquid phase, i.e., CO2-rich liquid phase. In a hydrocarbon/water system, predicting the hydrates using van-der-Waals-Platteeuw hydrate model (1959) robustly becomes challenging when vapor-liquid-aqueous-hydrate equilibria appear. This presentation will briefly introduce several studies addressing these challenges in the equilibrium calculations for the hydrocarbon/CO2 and hydrocarbon/water mixtures. The proposed algorithms in these studies have been proven to be more robust than their predecessors.


《Development of Robust Trust-Region-Based Algorithms for Two-/Multi- Phase Equilibrium Calculations》